Natura 2000
Natural world knows no artificially created boundries. Plants disseminate freely and animals migrate over the borders with ease. In order to protect the natural world, people are also required to cross those borders.
European Union has devised a way to protect its flora and fauna through Natura 2000 network. The network includes areas important for conservation of endagered species and habitat types throughout the continent.
This ecological network was designed in order to try and conserve more than 1000 rare, endangered and endemic species of plants and animals and 230 natural and semi-natural habitats in more than 3000 Natura areas. Areas included in Natura 2000 network cover almost 20% of EU teritory, which makes it the biggest system of protected areas in the world!
Natura areas are chosen based on scientific criteria and are rooted in two important European directives that are basis for nature protection within the European Union – Bird Directive and Habitats Directive. Important habitat types, plant and animal species are named as Natura species and are listed in annexes of those directives. Those species could be considered as „ambassadors“ of nature whose presence, abundance and conservation status in a selected area qualifies the area as a candidate for addition in Natura 2000 network.
Habitat types and species HR2000583 Medvednica based on The Regulation on the Ecological Network and the Jurisdiction of Public Institutions for Management of Sites of Ecological Network (OG 80/19
No. |
Common name |
Scientific name |
1 |
Marsh fritillary |
Euphydryas aurinia |
2 |
Large copper |
Lycaena dispar |
3 |
Stag beetle |
Lucanus cervus |
4 |
Rosalia longicorn |
Rosalia alpina* |
5 |
Long-horned beetle |
Morimus funereus |
6 |
Cerambyx Longicorn |
Cerambyx cerdo |
7 |
Stone Crayfish |
Austropotamobius torentium* |
8 |
Yellow-bellied toad |
Bombina variegata |
9 |
Italian crested newt |
Triturus carnifex |
10 |
Lesser horseshoe bat |
Rhinolophus hipposideros |
11 |
Greater horseshoe bat |
Rhinolophus ferumequinum |
12 |
Mediterranean horseshoe bat |
Rhinolophus euryale |
13 |
Western Barbastelle |
Barbastella barbastellus |
14 |
Common bent-wing bat |
Miniopterus schreibersii |
15 |
Bechstein’s bat |
Myotis bechsteinii |
16 |
Geoffroy’s bat |
Myotis emarginatus |
17 |
Greater mouse-eared bat |
Myotis myotis |
18 |
Fenton’s Wood White |
Leptidea morsei |
19 |
Balkan Goldenring |
Cordulegaster heros |
20 |
Danube barbel |
Barbus balcanicus |
21 |
Hermit beetle or Russian leather beetle |
Osmoderma eremita* |
22 |
Adriatic lizard orchid |
Himantoglossum adriaticum |
No. |
Habitat type |
Habitat code |
1 |
Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels (Convolvulion sepii, Filipendulion, Senecion fluviatilis) |
6430 |
2 |
Illyrian oak-hornbeam forests (Erythronio-carpinion) |
91L0 |
3 |
Castanea sativa woods |
9260 |
4 |
Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests |
9110 |
5 |
Illyrian Fagus sylvatica forests (Aremonio-Fagion) |
91K0 |
6 |
Tilio-Acerion forests of slopes, screes and ravines |
9180* |
7 |
Caves not open to the public |
8310 |
8 |
Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation |
8210 |