Research and monitoring

Based on the Regulation on the Ecological Network and the Jurisdiction of Public Institutions for Management of Sites of Ecological Network (OG 80/19), the polygon area POVS HR2000583 Medvednica covers 22 target species and 8 target habitat types listed in Annexes I and II of Directive 92/43/ EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and wild plant and animal species.

Availability of data on protected area Medvednica Nature Park and ecological network HR2000583 Medvednica

All data is public and accessible to all internet users through a geographical browser  on the Bioportal web site. Each protected area  can be retrieved from the Search Results table or through identification of layers of protected areas.

Based on the existing and elaborated National Monitoring Programs for the target species and target habitat types of the  ecological areas network POVSHR2000583 Medvednica, the following monitoring protocols may be used by scientists-experts and employees of the Public Institution Medvednica Nature Park trained to carry out monitoring.

So far, 58 programs have been developed for a total of 81 species and habitat types.  The goal is to produce monitoring programs for at least 400 species and habitat types by 2023. Nature Protection, Maintenance, Preservation and Park Promotion Department of the Nature Park will regularly update and monitor the development of new national monitoring protocols and the attendance of training workshops for their implementation.

The primary objective of the Public Institution is nature protection. In 1981,  Medvednica was declared a nature park. Since then, its legal value and importance has been increased. The main reasons for declaration are well-preserved natural forests. Yes, even today the Medvednica forests are natural and well preserved. This fact has been confirmed by the trees themselves, those grow in 12 different forest communities. Parts of the forest are even more specifical since  eight special reserves of forest vegetation were declared in 1968.

Life on Medvednica is rich, abundant in  different plants and different animal species.

According to scientific data, 1205 plant species were recorded on Medvednica (Nikolić, T .; Kovačić, S .; 2008). There are 91 strictly protected species in the Park. One of the strictly protected species is the common yew (Taxus baccata) , which is very rare and endangered in its natural habitats throughout Europe, and the yew tree on the area of Krumpirište on Medvednica  is more than 1000 years old. Up to now, 81 species of fungi have been reported on Medvednica, many of which are rare and endangered.

In the animal world the bats of which 25 species live in the Park, are particularly interesting among the mammals,, because 8 of them are Natura 2000 species and one is nationally important species. Many Medvednica birds live in rich forests, but also along streams. White-throated dipper, also known as the European dipper is important and known for almost never leaving its stream and its surroundings.

Medvednica hides many more interesting things. The objective of the Institution is to explore and present to the public at last a part of this naturally and culturally important area of the Park.

In order to find out a little bit about the importance of Medvednica, the Public Institution “Medvednica Nature Park” has contracted and conducted a total of 110 research and monitoring activities concerning the natural and cultural values of the Medvednica Nature Park by 2019. All research and monitoring results are in the database of Public Institution, collected as texts, tables and photo documentation.

Collected research and monitoring data are related to the following:

  • Forests and forest habitats
  • Damage of forest ecosystems
  • Vascular flora
  • Day-flying butterflies
  • Birds of Medvednica
  • Dippers and wagtails
  • Speleological objects
  • The state of Veternica cave
  • Amphibians and reptiles
  • Various types of invertebrates, such as beetles
  • Fungi
  • Trace elements in the soil
  • Types of soil
  • Fish, stream network
  • Stone crayfish
  • Grasslands
  • Forest bats
  • Ticks
  • Analysis of snow and water
  • Invasive species
  • Black woodpecker
  • Archaeological research of Veternica cave
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