As part of the SINCERE project (Spurring INnovations for
forest eCosystem sERvices in Europe), which we (Public Institution “NP
Medvednica”) are involved with on the topic Understanding the health function
of peri-urban forests in protected area and paying for forest ecosystem
services, from 14 to 16 October 2019 in the Czech Republic in Prague a workshop
called Learning Lab was held.
The workshop covered two topics in two groups, the final (third) day we
exchanged data and views on the topics covered (Small plot holders in forestry
innovation and The Cultural and Spiritual FES from a European and an Asian
Perspective) all together.
Beside colleagues who are part of the SINCERE project, the workshop was
attended by experts from Europe and Asia, scientists who cover these topics
through their regular work at universities.
Our project team participated in a discussion about small forest owners. The
aim of the workshop was to find tips on how to engage and motivate small forest
owners to use their properties / maintain it in optimal condition. The
questions we were trying to define were: what a small forest owner means,
whether the size of the estate matters, and why it is difficult to involve
small forest owners in forestry innovation. We spoke about European legislation
and directives, local legislation, gave examples of good practice, discussed.
Also we discussed ways how to bring small forest owners (those who do not
practice forestry/ not interested/ unknown) whose property is located in the
area we manage to the table and start cooperation. The topic was finalized
after a discussion and exchange of views of all workshop participants with a
dozen useful tips how to motivate small forest owners in participatory