Adopt a Bat!
“Adopt a Bat” is a programme developed by the Public Institution Nature Park Medvednica for bat lovers and those who are yet to become bat lovers.
The Veternica Cave is located within the Park area. This cave is a habitat for 18 different bat species, which is an extremely high number considering the fact that 35 species of bats live in Croatia.
Even though they have very few natural predators (mostly owls and cats), bats are very endangered. Their most significant enemy are humans because they change bats’ habitats with different economic projects (knocking down old trees, water management projects etc.), excessively use pesticides and disturb or destroy bats’ summer or winter habitats.
How to adopt a bat?
If you wish to help this species and adopt a bat please fill out this form with required information and we will contact you by e-mail or phone.
Click the appropriate adoption form!
Adoption for individuals
By adopting a bat you will get:
- Certificate “My bat lives in the Veternica Cave!”
- Card “Ivan Ivić – bat adopter” with a picture of the adopted species
- 2 free visits to Veternica
- T-shirt with a drawing of a bat
Price for individuals is 23,00 EUR
Adoption for groups
By adopting a bat as a group or a class you will get:
- A3 plasticised certificate with information on the species you adopted, picture, and information on your school/kindergarten/group…
- Each child will get a certificate on which he/she can write his/her name and the name of his/her bat
- The group leader will get a card with his/her name and a picture of the adopted species, as well as two free visits to Veternica
Price for groups is 30,00 EUR
Adoption for companies and associations
By adopting a bat as a company or an association you will get:
- A3 plasticised certificate with information on the species you adopted, picture, and information on the company or association…
- On our web page we will publish the name of the adopter
- Price for companies is 700,00 EUR
You can make the payment to the bank account of the Public Institution Nature Park Medvednica or directly to us in cash when you come to collect the materials. If you don’t live in Zagreb area we can mail the materials to you at your cost.
Bank account of the Public Institution Nature Park Medvednica: Zagrebačka banka, IBANHR2723600001101373774
All funds collected by this programme will be used for the protection of Veternica and its “inhabitants”.
By adopting a bat you can make your contribution to the cause.